Sunday, November 14, 2010

same kind of different as me

I finished reading same kind of different as me last week. BY FAR it is the best book I have read in the past several months. It is by Ron Hall and Denver Moore with Lynn Vincent telling their story. A friend of mine from high school, Julie Phillips Staley, recommend it over a message I posted on facebook. I must admit that when I saw it at Hastings and it was on the bestseller table, I hesitated to get it. I read the front that it was about a modern-day slave, an international art dealer, and the unlikely woman who bound them together......hmmm didn't really sound like a winner to me!! BUT, I thought it sounds like an inspirational story and I am ready to be inspired. I did purchase it with 5 other the rate I am going I need to get an ipad or some digital reading device, right? I was drawn to it for multiple reasons of which I will list here, but if you are reading this blog and you are my friend, you must read it!! I will lend it to you when I get it back from a lady at work that I have already pasted it on to.
1. I loved it because the co-author, Denver, is a black man who is almost 70. That pulled at my heart strings immediately because I work with a gentleman named Ruben. He is a 74 year old black man who has worked at a veterinary clinic in Clarksville since he was 14. At one point in his life I have been told he could do the veterinary work just as good, if not better than old Dr. Young. He is very special to me and I have nicknamed him "Big Papa". Like Denver from the book my sweet Mr. Ruben is a very quiet type, and has the gentleness and wisdom of anyone I know. He is the first one I want to seek out every morning when I arrive to work because he blesses me with that toothless smile! I love to pat him on the back, hug him if he will let me, and wish him a good morning. If I don't speak to Mr. Ruben within the first 30 minutes of my day, he says, "Well, Dr. Lewis I didn't think you were even going to notice I was here." I love this man and have come to respect him for everything he has given to this veterinary group. Ruben was in a very bad car accident several years ago and broke one of his knees and severally jarred the other one. He hurts everyday, but will never say a word about it. Well, Denver from the book just melted my heart the way Ruben has. Denver tells a wonderful story of his life. Started in Louisiana as a cotton picker/slave. He was saved, raised by multiple family members, and sees his grandmother die a tragic death. In his 20's he catches a train to anywhere. That anywhere turns out to be Ft Worth, Texas.
2. The book deals with homelessness. I have always had a compassion for this mission field. Why? I don't really know. Other than how can you not be humbled to see how these people live? God has called us to take care of others, make a difference. Our church, like many, is involved in Room in the Inn during the winter months. Our church provides a meal on Wednesday nights to the homeless men and a bed/nights stay and then they are served breakfast before returning to the men's shelter the next morning. Chris has helped out with this and I really feel led/bothered if that is the right word to DO MORE.
3. Debbie Hall, is Ron's wife and such a godly woman!!! She brings the whole story to life. She begins working at the mission house once a week with Ron and she tells Ron that God has told her that he will have a friend for life from the mission house. Ron thinks she is crazy, but she was dead on. When she met Mr. Denver for the first time she told Ron, "that is him."
4. A Christian Friendship to last a lifetime, how can you not love and want that? These two men become friends and now are known around the country for their story and the difference they have made and continue to make.
**At the end of the book Denver states: "I used to spend a lotta time worryin that I was different from other people, even from other homeless folks. Then, after I met Miss Debbie and Mr. Ron, I worried that I was so different from them that we wadn't ever gon' have no kind a' future. But I found out everybody's different--the same kind of different as me. We're all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us. The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or somethin in between, this earth ain't no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless--just workin our way toward home." AMEN!!
Even better, I was so excited to see that they published another book together entitled: what difference do it make?
Have a wonderful week and good night everyone!! WE love and miss you all. Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to stop and thank our good Lord for all that you are thankful for. We have sooo much to be thankful for.

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