Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2nd: Lost Elf

Well, the Elf on the Shelf is a big hit!! Addie woke up this morning and that was the first thing she asked Chris this morning; "I wonder if the Elf (whom she has named Hagen after a little boy in her classroom that she thinks is cute) has moved? Do you think he is in my room and is going to bite my toes?" She got up to find him sitting in the water/ice maker dispenser on the fridge door this morning. She thought it was so cool when she found him!! Every night if she has been good he brings her and Claire a little treat in their tree that counts down the 25 days till Christmas.
We had a little elf/Hagen scare tonight as mommy could not find him! I searched for 30 minutes for him. I didn't know the little booger would hide from adults either. I thought, great here we are 2 nights into it and we can't find him already!! After looking in the car, outside in the garage, then outside with a flashlight in the backyard in case Sallie the heeler took Hagen off, I found him back in the box he came in on the bookshelf!! I guess Addie did that, or he REALLY is magical : )
Had a good day over all. Lots to get done cleaning before Chris's work Christmas party here on Saturday night.
Good night all

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

After reading my friend Allison M's blog tonight and through out the last weeks I am motivated to TRY to post everyday in December. HA HA HA, that is me laughing out loud!! Well, we will see how it goes. Today was a good day, I am so so tired. I spent 4 and 1/2 hours in a dogs abdomen last night and didn't get home until 10pm. A six month old puppy thought it was cool to eat a cassette tape!!! 1. I know you are a puppy, but really what on a cassette tape tastes good?? (maybe only Gilmore Cumby could answer this for us : ) ) 2. Who still owns cassette tapes???? This thing was the worst kind of foreign body that you can try to remove from a dog's intestines. A linear FB gets wrapped all down the guts and then they can plicate or stack on each other and it is a nightmare!!! AS I experienced last night removing a large part of bowel and opening several other sites. The poor little thing has had it in there since before Halloween!!! Anyway, I am tired from that and need to go to bed two hours ago : ).
My post today is about The Elf on the Shelf. My sweet sister who's Love Language has to be giving. Sherri is the biggest giver and she always has been, I guess because she is the oldest of us 4. Well, she sent Easton the elf on the Shelf and she mailed us one. We got it last night when I got in from my late night. The girls opened it this morning before Addie left for school and we read the book. It is really cute. You have to remember to move the elf every night. He is supposed to be in a different spot each morning and you make a game of it for the kids to find where he is the next morning after he has gotten back from the North Pole to report to Santa how the kids have been. I think it is really cute, and wish me luck to remember to move him every night for the next 24!!!
Merry Christmas everyone