Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Addie's first day of Kindergarten....sort of

Addie starts to school tomorrow, sob sob sob.... We went to preregistration last week and her kindergarten teacher at North Stewart Elementary is Mrs. Emily Andrews. Addie was so excited to meet her and loved playing in the classroom with all the toys. Addie goes tomorrow for her first full day, but it is testing that the state requires for each student entering kindergarten. She will go next Tuesday as well and then she starts going every day starting next Thursday.
We are all ready excited that we know her teacher, Chris grew up in church with Emily and everyone has gone on and on about her so that makes me feel good.
Tonight we packed Addie's backpack with all her school supplies and made her lunch. I showed her the lunchbox and made sure she could open everything and when I went to pack it all up, Claire got into the lunchbox when I turned my back and she took off with Addie's Cheetos : ). It made me laugh pretty hard. I CAN'T believe this day is here. Will I cry or not cry, this is the question!!! Will let you know..............

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blessed beyond the Negative

Wow! Lately I have to remind myself to look at the good things in my life. There can be so much in a days time that you worry over, cry over, listen to that just about can drive you nuts. Am I the only one? Who in your family isn't getting along with who.....who at work is now complaining about who and what isn't right or fair.......who isn't happy with their own current circumstances....who wants to complain about all the dust on the hardwood floor or tables at my house??? ME!!!! I just have to separate myself away from all the negative lately. Tell those voicing it or thinking it (me) that we are all missing the BIG picture in this world.
It doesn't matter that we all don't get along or aren't very best friends, but step up and be the christian person that is in you and turn the other cheek!! UGH, do I sound frustrated??
Do others have to point out to me about what I have and what they don't have? Or why do I need to look at what others have that I don't have? Why would I think twice about that? I know my family are good stewards with our money and that is all I need to or they need to focus on.
I need to get off my little soap box, so that is that. It's my blog and I can vent when I want to, vent when I want to....

No, but really my positives in such a negative society, economy, DAY is that I love every bit of my man, and my sweet two little girls beyond anything in this world. I love the fact I can see animals owned by people that love them and I make them better because I saw them that day. I love the clients that see that and thank or hug me for it. I DON'T live for the people that want to act hateful and say, "Yeah, she is no better and I am tired of coming here for 3 weeks and I didn't apply the medicine like you said, but she isn't any better."???? What, are you seriously admitting that to me lady??? When I lie down at night I LONG to see Jesus face to face where there will be NO negative days for me!! Amen and good night