Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hard Times

This month has been a challenge for so many. I had a wonderful friend have a miscarriage, my friend Lynn in the previous post lost her husband Tuesday and she buried him today, however he is in Glory with his Lord and Savior!! Over 100 people have died this week due to the tornadoes and high winds that we have received over the past 72 hours, and my heart is so heavy for someone I love. We all need prayer!! Literally everywhere I have turned this week there is destruction. Satan is on attack!! A girlfriend's husband is leaving her and he suffers from alcoholism, another friend's child suffers from an eating disorder. Literally I found this all out this week!!!!
I started reading Life Interrupted this week in my Bible study time and wow do I need to read it!! The author tells us that these "interruptions" are actually divine interventions. If God is going to bring us to "it" He will bring us through "it"!! Lord I hope so because I don't know how strong I am!!
Good night all! I love you

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Godly Women

What does it mean to be a Godly woman? When I think of the answer to this question one woman in particular comes to mind. She has been on my mind lately. She is such an inspiration to me and I love her. Her name is Lynn and she has walked a difficult road for many years. Her husband was diagnosed with leukemia almost eight years ago. Two weeks ago he started having some strange behaviors. After taking him into the hospital they found lesions on his brain that were biopsied. They came back as fungal. I think we all felt a sigh of relief that he would take the medicine and would eventually be better. Last week Lynn found out that he also has a brain mass that came back as lymphoma. The doctors warned her and her children that this time he is terminal. Wow....
so I think of her often because she has walked this path that she wouldn't have chosen for herself. She has been by her husband through rough, hard times. He has been in and out of the hospital numerous times. Her life and his in a moments notice 8 years ago was changed for the worst. She is Godly to me even thru her/his hard times because she is still with him. I am sure she has screamed out and asked why. Why me Lord, but she still continues to give God all the glory. Her faith to me is massive!!! I don't think just the average woman could have endured this test of faith. I think you have Lynn, and I continue to pray for you as you and your children walk through the rest of this path you are on. My heart is heavy for her to become a widow at the age of 49. I can't even imagine. It is my prayer that you continue to lean on the Lord. That you make Him all that you need. I love you my sister and my friend!!
I read Psalm 91 today and it made me think of you both.