Monday, January 25, 2010


I made some wonderful friends at my 1st vet job in Mt. Juliet, TN. Heather Polk is one of them and I decided enough talking about getting together one day and I went to Mt. Juliet last Friday night and spent the night with her. We had Sue Bell, Claire, Lindsey, and Tammy come over and we talked until 4am!! We slept about 4 hours and chatted some more the next morning. Heather is a great friend and she and Chris are wonderful christian friends that have a passion for missions so it was nice catching up with her. Her Chris is in Africa this week and will be back the end of the week. He is helping build baptist churches in Kenya.

Monday I drove the girls down to Land Between the Lakes and we stopped to see the bison. Chris is working half of them today and the other half tomorrow. He is vaccinating them, worming them, and TB testing them.

Addie on the roof of the car checking out the bison!!

My big stinker in her snowman outfit I bought her at market last year.

Aunt Nat and Uncle Justin got Addie a Barbie makeup bag and we will have to pay them back for this one day!! She has loads if makeup in her bag.

My blue eyed babe!!!

The Lewis Espresso Cafe

Aunt Sherri and Uncle Mike sent Addie and Claire an Espresso Cafe for Christmas. They absolutely love it. We have had it up in the dining room until last week and I squeezed it up the stairs to the playroom. It is big enough to fit their chairs in and their kitchen. Addie makes coffee and espresso for Chris and I to drink.

There is even a door on it for them to open and close.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Breaking Free

I know this post looks and sounds like one before right? I am starting a Beth Moore Bible study at church on Sunday nights. We started last week and so far I am doing my homework on time. My new year's resolutions of course are kicking in strong because it is only January, right? The whole weight loss, exercise, Bible Study thing for me is the same ones every year. BUT, this year I really am going to make them come true!! As of January 1st, I am exercising weekly towards my goal to become healthy. I am going to participate in a 5K run, Lord willing, the first part of May. If you know me well you know that I am not a runner, I repeat NOT a RUNNER, however I have always wanted to try it. I have NEVER been able to run more than 1.5 miles without having a stroke. I am excited to do this though. To prove to myself that I am tired of just settling for what I have become physically and mentally. I am going to make myself into the person/body I should be. I have so far lost 5 pounds and I have LOTS more to go, but I will get there because my attitude is finely right. With that said, I decided to take the plunge into Beth Moore's bible study, Breaking Free which is about not settling for mediocre!

This weeks Bible study is about 5 primary benefits we are free to enjoy as children of God.
1) We are to know God and believe Him
2) Glorify God
3) Find Satisfaction in God
4) Experience God's peace
5) Enjoy God's presence

Today on day 2: Glorify God, I was smacked in the face a bit. It was a good thing, I needed her to point these things out to me. What does it mean to glorify God? Can we and are we even fit as human beings to do that? She points out that being created for God's glory means two truths to those of us that are called by His name: God wants to make Himself recognizable to us and God wants to make Himself recognizable through us. I Corinthians 10:31 we learn that God desires to be recognizable in us in all that we do. A life that glorifies God is a life that reveals God. According to Romans 3:23 we all fall short of God's glory because we are full of sin. BUT, we have the Holy Spirit in us and due to that we have the hope of glory.
Her study today had me take a test to make me aware of whether or not I glorify God in my life. Answer True, False, or P for making progress:
1) My most important consideration in every undertaking is whether or not God could be glorified I Cor. 10:31
2) I do not seek my own glory John 8:50,54
3) My sincere hope in my service to others is that they will somehow see God in me (1 Peter 4:10-11
4) When I am going through hardships, I turn to God and try to cooperate with Him so He can use them for my good and for His glory 1 Peter 4:12-13
5) I am sometimes able to accomplish things or withstand things only through the power of God 2 Cor. 4:7
I wish that I could answer True to all, but that wouldn't be true!! I have a lot to strive towards to fulfull His purpose in creating me.

**1 Peter 4:10-11 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.