Sunday, January 23, 2011

More Books

This past Christmas I was blessed enough to get 2 e-readers. My sweet mother got me a nook and my sweet husband got me a Kindle. So, after not wanting to disappoint either of them I kept my moms. Mom and I can lend each other some books so I thought that would be cool to have that as a feature. And then Chris didn't have to spend a dime!! : ) not really sure how he got out of all that but he did. Anyway, it is really my new friend!! I take it with me EVERYWHERE!! I really enjoy it and it is so neat to use. I am reading on it and still reading up on a few paper books too that I had before receiving the nook. I recently read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. While it was a good mystery, I thought the language and some of the sexual content could have totally been eliminated from it. Why oh why do authors think that mess makes a fictional novel good?? Anyway, I don't know if I will purchase the other 2 in that series or not. I finished Sarah's Key on my nook and it was okay. Right now I am reading another book by Jen Lancaster. She wrote Bitter is the New Black. She is hysterical!! While I don't like the bit of language in her "documentory" books she does crack me up! The 3rd book she has published is Such a Pretty Fat and it is cracking me up!! I really have enjoyed reading it, while back on the WW kick.
I also purchased Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers and I am excited to get started on it!!
Hope you all are reading in your spare time!!

Snow Fun Stewart County Style!

We got a small ice/snow storm on Thursday afternoon. We ended up measuring around 2.5 inches in our backyard. I was home Thursday and left to get Addie from early dismissal around 10am. Chris didn't get in from a few calls in Joelton and Clarksville until 8pm. Friday we both had to work, so the girls were promised a snow/sledding day from their daddy on Saturday after he got home from work.

Addie and Claire all suited up for their adventure. I decided to let Claire skip her nap Saturday and she actually held in there like a trooper. (don't their Barbie rain boots go so well with their outfits??)

And off we go!! I am just excited that we won't be huffing it up and down a hill on a sled....The Polaris Ranger saves the day! We used it to pull Addie on the sled (not a car hood I know for all you rednecks, but it still was fun!)

Addie ready to get the sled out of the back

Addie and Claire before take off!

They actually are both smiling!! I had Chris stop driving after a few minutes because Claire's hat was coming off and when I fixed it she decided she wanted off!!

The fearless Addie!

Chris and Addie sledding. No, there is not a picture of me and Addie because I am always behind the camera, right? AND because after so many minutes (ok, maybe only 2 minutes) I was ready to get off. Addie said it was because I was too fat and I laughed at that because children are so brutally honest aren't they?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Claire bear and E with Connor. Claire loves Easton and wants to call him on the phone all the time!!

Addie at Nana's

The girls kicked back in our bed watching Annie for the 100th time!! They got it for Christmas and I have it memorized.

Justin, Nat, and Easton came to visit us the weekend of the 1st. We had a fun/lazy weekend and we laughed a LOT!!!

The End of 2010

Wow, what a goal I set for myself! I only blogged twice in December. Well, we all know how busy we are right? Here are a few Christmas photos. We had a blessed year! Chris enjoyed reading the Christmas Story from Luke and reading The Night Before Christmas. This year Claire was still awake for it, last year she was in bed before we could read it to her.
Santa brought Addie a Barbie bike, and an American Girl Doll. Claire got a vet clinic and a baby and a stroller and crib.