Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My tiny little dancer

Addie took dance for the first time this past year at Alyssa's Dance Studio in Dover. She has had a ball and it has been really hard getting her to and from practice on Tuesday nights for a year, but with Nanny and Daddy they helped me make it happen! She had her dance recital last Saturday night in Paris, TN at Krider Performing Arts Studio and she loved it. She got a trophy with her name on it and she felt so proud. She was a beautiful little stinka if I do say so myself.
That toothless smile

Her ballet costume

Addie's class

Their tap costume

In between waiting for them to go back on stage we killed time and I went out to see them in the hallway and they were all crowded around a DVD player that was a movie about Justin Beeber. They were so funny!!

love the green hair extension??

They did a finale at the end and the title to this years show was Let's go to the Movies so the finale was 80's attire and they danced to Footloose!! They were so cute saying, "we aren't even 8 yet and we get to dress like the 80's." I thought that was so cute!!

The opening act, going to the movies. Grace, Addie and Kylie

Addie has on leg warmers!!

Addie and Grace during their tap routine

Addie and her best friend this year in her kindergarten class: Darryll Cook. Addie adores her.

Addie and her friend Kylie

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