This past Christmas I was blessed enough to get 2 e-readers. My sweet mother got me a nook and my sweet husband got me a Kindle. So, after not wanting to disappoint either of them I kept my moms. Mom and I can lend each other some books so I thought that would be cool to have that as a feature. And then Chris didn't have to spend a dime!! : ) not really sure how he got out of all that but he did. Anyway, it is really my new friend!! I take it with me EVERYWHERE!! I really enjoy it and it is so neat to use. I am reading on it and still reading up on a few paper books too that I had before receiving the nook. I recently read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. While it was a good mystery, I thought the language and some of the sexual content could have totally been eliminated from it. Why oh why do authors think that mess makes a fictional novel good?? Anyway, I don't know if I will purchase the other 2 in that series or not. I finished Sarah's Key on my nook and it was okay. Right now I am reading another book by Jen Lancaster. She wrote Bitter is the New Black. She is hysterical!! While I don't like the bit of language in her "documentory" books she does crack me up! The 3rd book she has published is Such a Pretty Fat and it is cracking me up!! I really have enjoyed reading it, while back on the WW kick.
I also purchased Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers and I am excited to get started on it!!
Hope you all are reading in your spare time!!
I miss you so much!!! Sounds like some great reads. Might have to look into those...although I don't have the techie friend you do ;)