Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let me explain

So, my baby today that EVERYONE always brags on because all you have to do is lie her down for a nap, no matter who you are and she will fall asleep. No tricks, no rocking, nothing, just put her in the bed and out she will go. Because I trained her that way, right?? The perfect baby, right? Well, NOT TODAY!!!!!!! I went to lie her down for a nap this afternoon and it didn't happen. She screamed bloody murder, because she has a runny nose and when she goes to suck her thumb to fall asleep, she can't breathe out of her mouth. So, I let this go on for several minutes, turning down the monitor of course b/c who wants to listen to that??? Then I started to feel sorry for Addie who was trying to take her nap in her room, so I gave in and went to get Claire up and try to rock her, but she wanted to play. So, I put her in the floor to play, went down to do laundry and pack some boxes and I came up stairs to this................................

God love her!! She is asleep like this right now in my den floor!!

Let me explain this photo: This is only part of what I did yesterday at the new house. I started to scrub and clean my hardwood floors that the painters got paint ALL over, but thought: "Kim, this is really stupid b/c they are coming back Monday to "touch" up." So, I stopped scrubbing the paint off the floor with my fingernails and decided that I will have to have a chat with them before they come back to "touch up." So, I finished scrubbing windows (who knew unless you have built a house that the brickers/mason people think that mortar goes on the glass of windows????). Then I decided to wash the porches b/c they are covered in dirt!!!!!!!! So, this is a picture of our back porch yesterday.

Let me explain this photo, no Addie did not join a children's band. A family group came to perform at church Sunday night and they invited the kids to come sing a song with their 8 year old son. What does Addie do?? Yes, she grabs the microphone and stand and tilts the microphone down to her level and sings her heart out!!!!!!!!! Chris and I are dying laughing on one of the back pews. So, thanks Linda for these quick shots of our very own Hannah Montana.

The little boy beside Addie is Joshua and he is 8 yrs old. Addie met him for the first time Sunday night and she told Chris and I that he was her best friend and she was going to marry him!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Easton!!

Easton turned 1 on April 24th!! Can you even believe it?? I know Natalie and Justin can't. It doesn't seem like a year has gone by since that stinker came into this world. It was such a beautiful day yesterday as we had his 1st birthday party in Brentwood at a park on Concord Road.

This was Easton's own personal cake and he really enjoyed it.

Isn't that cake so stinkin' cute?? The lady that made Natalie and Justin's wedding cake made Easton's cake. So yummy, strawberry!!!!! A Naron favorite, sorry Justin.

Okay, so I uploaded these cake pictures backwards, so here is the end of the pics. His hat fell down and then when Nat fixed it he started crying.

Easton got lots of presents that Natalie opened b/c he was mostly interested in the bows and boxes.

Addie licking her lips after the yummy strawberry cake. We didn't really see much of her b/c she was playing on the playground at the park and....

Running/walking Lindsey's dog Coco. I KNOW Coco went home and crashed. Addie loves her a dog on a leash!!!

Claire with Grandpa

Claire showing Grandpa her "smooch me" face.

Claire really likes Easton's ears!!

The Happy Family!!! Sorry Justin, you said you were tired, but I had to get one last photo.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Valley Brooke Park

Addie at Valley Brooke Park today!! Love that girlie!! She had the best time playing with her preschool friends after having a field trip to the Library.

Addie's friends Cameron and K.K.

Say cheese!!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary!!

Well, here we are 7 years later!! Addie took this picture of us last night. You have made me laugh, smile, and cry (only occasionally) for 7 wonderful years. Thank you for being the best Christian Daddy to our two wonderful girls and a loving husband to me.

This was a rainbow that was out yesterday around 6pm!! So beautiful

Friday, April 17, 2009

At the Park Today

Wow, I have not blogged in a while so here are lots of photos of today thru Easter basically!! Hope I don't overwhelm you with all the photos, just trying to get "caught up" So, today was beautiful!!! I decided to get lunch and have a picnic at the park with the girls. I don't think Addie took time to eat much of her lunch but she sure enjoyed swinging and playing with friends at the park.

Claire bear wanting to take a picture herself!!

So Nana don't see this picture and freak out b/c she is not buckled in!! This is the baby swing and she loved it!!

Spring is here!!

The girls and I today left for a MOPS meeting at Hilldale and before we left I had to take some photos of the matching dresses!! Addie thinks it is so cool that she can match Claire.

My twin sister lost at birth!!!!!!!

Just kidding, this is my good friend Georgie!! Claire really is taken with her and I wonder why?? Could it be the hair?? Everytime Georgie and I go out together people do double takes and say, "Wow, you guys are sisters right?" We aren't obviously, but I know that the Lord put Georgie in my path for several reasons: 1)She has red hair, 2)Chris introduced us b/c they went to HS together in THE Stewart County, 3)I am soon moving to Stewart County and she is from there and can inform me of "their" ways, 4)She is a SCRAPBOOKER!!!!!!!, and 5)She is a wonderful Christian friend that I have in Clarksville and am so thankful we have so much in common. Love ya sista!!!

Easter Sunday Part I

I love my girls!! Here they are on Easter Morning in their Easter dresses!! Addie thought she was a princess and I told her she was!!

Look at that cheezy smile!!!!!!

Daddy took this one from FAR away, yes that is me and the girls!! Ha, ha. We had a pretty good Easter up until after Sunday school and Daddy ended up with the stomach virus that Addie had had at the end of the week. Nanny did too and we were so sorry she caught it!!