Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yesterday meeting Ms. Margaret

Yesterday it was so beautiful outside and it was over 70 degrees. So, the girls and I went for a walk and Addie pushed Claire in the stroller, but she needed to go in for a nap after a few minutes. We went up West Park Drive with the stroller and just happenned to stop and talk to Ms. Margaret taking her trash can to the road. We spoke about the weather and how nice it was and then we introduced ourselves. She said she and her husband have lived up the road for many, many years. It turns out he was a plumber and at one time had worked on our kitchen. She stated that 3 and 1/2 years ago her husband went in for knee replacement surgery on both knees, had a stroke and never recovered. He is now paralyzed and in a wheelchair unable to speak. She said he would love to meet the girls sometime. I knew Claire needed a nap so we didn't go in, but I want to let the girls meet him soon. You never know what tomorrow holds for us. This lady is homebound with her husband and is his fulltime caregiver. I truely think the Lord meant for us to meet yesterday. I just think in today's society we never stop long enough to get to know our neighbors and show someone we care and I am the perfect example.

These "flowers"-weeds rather were my favorite flower when I was a little girl. I just thought that they were so beautiful and I would pick them on the playground with friends or in my own backyard at home. My mother probably thought I was crazy to like them soo much, but I loved the color purple as a child and when I would see these I would have to pick them, bring them inside and put them in a cup of water. It was a special memory/reliving childhood yesterday when Addie said, "Mom, look at these beautiful flowers." We picked them and she put them in her Dora backpack!!! Claire missed all the action because she was napping.
Addie with her weeds

These pictures we took Sunday when we were getting the girls ready for bed. I live to see these two together!! They are MOST of the time true JOYS!!! Doesn't Claire look like a Naron baby?

She cracks me up!!

Cheezing for the camera!!!


  1. Girl...keep those posts coming! LOVE to see these pictures of those beautiful girls! Lova ya! Linda

  2. Oh so glad I found you. Linda is awesome!!! Love it love it loveit!!!
