Sunday, June 30, 2013

Megan's Dance Studio Recital 2013

Both the girls took dance this past year at Megan's dance studio in Indian Mound.  They both had a lot of fun this year.  However, I think they are going to do other endeavors this year.  No more dance for us forever or until we see what they really are passionate about.
I was truly proud of my Addie bear as she won the Dancer of year trophy for being the best dancer with the best attitude and having a smile on her face at each practice.  Made me so proud!

Summer Is Here!

Summer is here and 1/2 way over!!

I can't believe that this summer is 1/2 over and that tomorrow if July 1st!!  What???  I guess as I get older and things are always changing I can't believe how fast time flies.
The girls ended their school years well.  Addie did so well and only made one B the entire 2nd grade year.  Claire has really done well in her preK this year.
We have finished up the school year, dance recitals, and softball regular season and All Stars.
One more week and we leave for Destin!!!  I can't wait, well needed rest and time with my little fam!
This summer I have lost one of my dear friends, Paige Nash Morris.  Paige and I got close when I worked at Animal Care Center for 4 years.  She was the most beautiful, sweet, caring, loving, and feisty woman I know!  She knew how to care for horses, mules, cats, dogs, and feed people corn, funnel cakes, and sweet tea at the fair.  She was the biggest advocate for the Wilson County Fair and I got to see her "in action" at the fair feeding others and laughing with the best of them.
She found a wonderful man to marry and spend 11 years with and they had a beautiful little girl named Rubi who is 9.  Please continue to pray for Rubi and Scott as they have truly lost a great mother and wife.  Paige lost her battle with Stage 4 brain cancer:  glioblastoma.  Her birthday is today.  She would have been 43 today.  Paige breathed her last breath last Wednesday afternoon at home with Scott and Rubi.  We will celebrate her life this Tuesday night at her Memorial Service at Gladeville Baptist church.

Here are some photos of the girls:  Truly blessed
mother I am:  Addie playing Stewart County AllStars 7 and 8 year olds.  We played last Friday night against Clarksville Nationals and got smoked 15-2.
We went back and played Woodlawn Saturday afternoon at 4pm and won, then went on to play St.Bethlehem and lost 18-10.  Good games and great fun!!!  Can't wait for next year and hoping Addie still wants to play.

Coaches:  Jeff, Vanessa Downings, and Crystal
Players:  Back left:  Grace Estes, Addie, Hailey Fisher, Jennifer, Mallory Wallace, Kylie, Caleigh, front row L to R:  Kinsley, Laney Morgan, MaKalea, Cass, Jasa, and Sara