Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brushing Teeth

This child of mine is ADDICTED to brushing her teeth!! Thank goodness for fluoride free toothpaste for the little ones. Every time she passes by her bathroom she points and says, "Teeth, teeth" and she will cry to brush her teeth. She really loves to eat the toothpaste that is by Baby Bling and it is the vanilla ice creme flavor. Where was this when we were kids??

toothpaste and slobber about the mouth and chin.....

she is smiling because she KNOWS she is not supposed to be in the bathroom anymore.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch/VBS

VBS with our 4 year olds. They are getting ready to sing their favorite song, "I am so H-A-P-P-Y and I will tell you why."

I loved VBS as a child. We attended Berry's Chapel Church of Christ on Hillsboro Road in Franklin, TN until I started 7th grade. I loved the song "Booster booster be a booster, don't be rowdy like a rooster, booster booster be a booster and boost our Bible school..... BOOSTER". The last night of VBS was family night and the whole family would come and we would all bring homemade ice cream, yummo. Who could top that? And whatever class was the quietest coming into the sanctuary would win the VBS flag for the night!! I thought I was so special when our class would win.
Well, I have been blessed these past two summers to be able to take Addie to VBS at Hilldale Baptist Church where we are members. I have always worked and Addie hasn't been old enough to attend until last year. She had a great time last year and I did too as I helped lead a 3 yr old classroom. This year she had an even better time and I loved it as well. I got to help in a 4 yr old classroom with Wendy and Summer and we had the best little 4 yr olds. They are so sweet and innocent and their enthusiasm was contagious!!! This year the theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch and Wendy and David did a great job of decorating. The children raised over $9500 to send to Asia for medical aid there for the children. It was a very proud moment and I know the Lord was glorified! Brother Tim shaved his head as well.

Addie turns 5!

Addie turned 5 on Tuesday the 8th. I can't even believe it. One I can't believe that I have been a mother for 5 years, two I can't believe that she will start school this fall, and three where has the time gone???
My two stinkers
We just had a little birthday celebration at home with the family. Addie had such a big day. She got to go to Nanny's for a little birthday celebration with Clay and Lacy and then we celebrated after dinner at our house. She also was in VBS this week at Hilldale and told all her friends that she had a "double" birthday due to her two parties.

Still stuck in the Hannah Montana phase......

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My summer vacation with Hayden and the girls

This year Chris and I are not taking the kids on a summer vacation trip. Therefore, I wanted to have my nephew Hayden over for a week. We were hoping to get Chris off from work too, but that wasn't possible due to needing to still hire another vet for the group. However, Chris did take Hayden and Addie frog giggin' one night, we caught lightning bugs in a Mason jar one night, and they "camped" out in a tent in the backyard one night. Sherri, Michael, and Hayden came down on Sunday before Memorial day to bring Hayden to us and they got to see the house for the first time and left on Monday. Mom, Natalie, Justin and Easton came too and we ate very well on Sunday afternoon. Monday we took it easy at home, Tuesday I took the kids to the Nashville zoo. Hayden said, "it is so hot I am going to die. When can we leave?" Of course I gave the Houston Naron answer, "I am older than you and I am not about to die and we paid to get in and we will see everything before we leave." Ha ha! I think they had a good time. Wednesday we went to the public pool in Clarksville and got a little red : )))). Thursday I took Hayden and Addie to the Hopkinsville water park while Nanny kept Claire for us. Addie fell asleep while we were there. It was a lot of fun. Hayden and I went down the slide together on the double float. Friday we met Nana and Nat and Easton at the Adventure Science Center in Nashville and H went to stay with Nana until Saturday. I really enjoyed having the little booger here and have missed him not being with us.
Adventure Science Center
The kids loved the ambulance the best!

Hayden and Addie got Chris to put up the tent. Hayden stayed in it for about an hour came in and said it was too hot and the ground was too hard to sleep on! He said that his mom gave him a brain to think with and be smart about things and that just wasn't smart. LOL! Chris was burning up and had to work the next day at 5am so when Addie fell asleep he took her to her bed at 11pm. She was not very happy the next morning when she woke up in her bed and not in the tent!

Hayden at the zoo

Claire had a big time in the kids playground area

Hayden exhausted!

The two girls wanted these safari hats to which I had to say yes because they looked so cute in them!

I think their favorite part was feeding the birds! Claire loved them too but they wouldn't come to her and she was getting mad!

Backyard, poolside at the Lewis fam: Aunt Nat

Easton with his watergun